
Pathfinder Report Banner

New Moon Capricorn
Monday December 30th 5:28 PM EST 2024

Pathfinder Report is a new Moon Astrology report intended to assist in advancing personal significance, equality, and sovereignty through self observation and admission. The report assumes "you create your own reality" an unequivocal fact, at times referred to as "the perfection premise".

New Moon Data
(all dates and times EST)

New Moon Monday December 30th 5:28 PM EST
Saturn in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini Saturday December 31st 5:01 PM
Venus ingress Pisces Thursday January 2nd 10:25 PM
Retrograde Mars ingress Cancer Monday January 6th 5:45 AM
Mercury ingress Capricorn Wednesday January 8th 5:31 AM
North node ingress Pisces Saturday January 11th 6:04 PM
Full Moon Monday January 13th 5:28 PM EST
Sun ingress Aquarius Saturday January 19th 3:01 PM
Mars, Jupiter and Uranus remain retrograde through out cycle
Next New Moon in Aquarius Wednesday January 29th 7:37 AM

Click on chart for larger view.

New Moon in Capricorn Monday December 30th 5:28 PM 2024

Astrological alignments in place at the moment of the new Moon

Chiron (Aries)opposite Vesta (Libra)
Chiron (Aries)trine Mercury (Sagittarius)
Venus (Aquarius)semi-sextile Neptune (Pisces)
Pallas Athena (Capricorn)quincunx Jupiter retrograde(Gemini)
Juno (Scorpio)semi-sextile Mercury (Sagittarius)
Vesta (Libra)sextile Mercury (Sagittarius)
Juno (Scorpio)semi-sextile Vesta (Libra)
Mars retrograde (Leo)opposite Pluto (Aquariuus)
Jupiter retrograde (Gemini)square Saturn (Pisces)
Chiron (Aries)quincunx Juno (Scorpio)


New Moon in Capricorn
Monday December 30th 5:28 PM EST

"In an instant things are revealed. "

Our sense of valuing our divine given freedom, our God given rights and freedoms, can be stirred. Harmony within a partnership can create wonderful professional success. We may come across opportunities to embrace or enhance our harmony with the public, we may be able to feel how shared partnership energy guides us to superior professional decisions. Relationships may also come together supported by religious or spiritual themes. Giving one's self to a grander meaning of things must be considered carefully. The Sun's Aquarius ingress on January 19th indicates a shift in energy where the tightest of boundaries and the strictest of rules are relaxed and a more open idealism is called in. The sense that we are sharing an outer collective world with others can bring some to a self awareness where they can feel significant as an individual. This significance will be based on and supported by a mutual loyalty and trust in a partnership. Our inner sense of self will be reflected in our outer world, in our partnership, and all our outer relationships. As this is realized different options are noticed, eventually different choices are made. Ideas like fantasies can be inviting and irresistible. An idealism regarding friends and socializing may be fleshed out. Partnership harmony which is tied to social activities can feel exaggerated. A willingness to choose harmony can come in like a wave and can feel like a release if one has been for a long time resisting this. The hardest of rules may be, or may have been necessary, yet we also must be able to be happy as a community. Friends can become aware of their value to each other.


With this Moon cycle beginning in Capricorn the focus will be on creative impulses which support one's intention to accomplish something in a public sense. The current report, including the fourteen period cycle below, is scripted from the perspective of following one's creative impulse and moving into actives or projects which facilitate a new way of being socially relevant. Such inspirations bring forward an effortless yet dynamic action affecting our world as we intend and seek those experiences which are directed toward some inspired vision. An evolution of self awareness occurs as purpose moves from inspiration into social action. Those born under the Sun sign Capricorn have a natural propensity to creative, public inspired, impulse. They naturally and easily become builders through their sense of focus and purpose. Not to exclude others as we all have Capricorn somewhere in our personal astrology charts, the following is a simplified list intended to indicate where each Sun sign would experience purposeful directed focus. There are many accents in each personal astrology chart where an individual's energy will be characterized by an apparent alternate Sun sign, as in being their Moon sign. In these cases there may be personal alignments which support a deviation of one's will from their highest order. The intention here is to clarify the basic inclination toward social and public commitment of each Sun sign and thus create added meaning to the content of the report. These can also serve as healthy intentions.

    I experience an inspired and directed purposefulness ...
  • Sagittarius: by observing and accepting everything which comes to my immediate attention.
  • Scorpio: by maintaining clear direct communications as they pertain to my interest.
  • Libra: by accepting the way I feel about myself relative to my social involvement.
  • Virgo: by allowing myself to enjoy the ease of accomplishment which follows my focused agenda.
  • Leo: by being discerning as to what is and what is not a personal responsibility.
  • Cancer: by accepting the value and direction of my partnerships.
  • Gemini: by accepting the new social structures which my dynamic partnerships lead to.
  • Taurus: by trusting and accepting new ways of being involved with humanity and the planet.
  • Aries: through my dedication to the public through my career.
  • Pisces: by seeing and feeling how the public facilitates interaction through defined social structures.
  • Aquarius: by accepting the congruency of my world and the quality of how all things are aligned to Creator's presence within all things.


The Birthdays section is a list of birthdays which are being strongly affected by current astrological alignments. If a birthday is not listed here it doesn't mean that a person is not experiencing significant astrological influences which are dynamically paralleling life changes. After all we are experiencing tremendous Earth changes now, nobody is excluded. The people who do have these birth dates are being strongly influenced now and are likely experiencing life altering dynamics. In some cases great opportunities are occurring and in others great challenges are brought forward. Since all challenges can be re-framed as opportunities all those who have these birthdays are experiencing great live changing opportunities. If a birthday is just a day or so previous to the listed date then the person has recently experienced a major change. Due to the retrograde nature of transiting planets the change is not necessarily complete, it may return. If a birthday follows a date listed the person will soon experience a major change. Again due to the retrograde nature of transiting planets the person may have already begun a major change which seems to have backed off, and will most definitely return.

  • January 21st & 22nd
  • March 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th
  • March 18th & 19th
  • April 9th
  • May 14th & 15th
  • July 24th & 25th
  • September 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th
  • September 21st & 22nd
  • October 12th & 13th
  • November 16th & 17th


To get a more complete or expanded feeling of this Moon cycle consider reading through the fourteen descriptions which follow. Many themes are included here and although relevant to the particular Moon phase and period are also relevant to the entire Moon cycle.

Fourteen Period Format

The Pathfinder Report follows the Moon through fourteen periods in 29 days beginning on the new Moon. The Fourteen periods, or phases, follow the Moon's journey through the entire Moon cycle. Each period will have a particular flavor or tone and is interpreted here as a unique opportunity. The first period begins at the moment of new Moon and continues until the Moon's first ingress. The Moon will ingress into the next zodiac sign thirteen times yielding fourteen unique periods. A theme unique to the complete Moon cycle is also included. As each individual's journey and process is a unique personal adventure this report is to be considered a generalization. In some cases example scenarios are given to assist in providing clarity as to how specific astro alignments may be experienced.

01 New Moon in Capricorn Monday December 30th 5:28 PM EST 2024
Saturn in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini Saturday December 31st 5:01 PM
An urge to act with definition and purpose is typically supported by a simple and clear idea as to what one is doing and where they are going. We may feel an urge now, to set fourth with purpose. However this sense of clear direction and purpose may be confused. It is important that one is not over valuing someone's specific opinion and distracting them from their own bigger picture. It is important for the individual to see the bigger picture now, to look for congruency and expanded presence of one's assumed understanding. Especially with things regarding one's community their work their home, their family and domestic security, the security of their community. Seeing the bigger picture regarding these dynamics will assist the individual in moving forward with their own specific commitment or discipline. Seeing a bigger picture can reveal other choices the individual may have. A strength of commitment can be called for if one's ideas are triggering worry or anxiety. Some old ideas or beliefs from the past may have to be considered before one can continue forward. A consideration of community will feel and be important as some agenda's move forward. The control and authority held over one in the past may be lost or it has disappeared? Some community control systems may have disappeared or changed, some may be unclear right now. This is is a good time to be assertive if an idea is beneficial in building or creating new community infrastructure. It can seem as if we will need the bigger reason if we want to share or sell an idea? As well some rules or boundaries cannot be understood without having a clear idea of the higher meaning.

02 Wednesday January 1st 2025 - Moon enters Aquarius 5:51 AM
Venus ingress Pisces Thursday January 2nd 10:25 PM
We are more likely to attract required resources if we are willing to look in usually places, or are willing to see things in unusual ways. We may for example sponsor a community team or contribute to a human cause, we may discover new trading partners in unexpected ways. If we are able to look outside the typical ways of acquiring security we may notice some unexpected opportunities. A significant individual may be forced to back off, their aura is not enough to stop some important social change. Some social mechanism or some foundational social idea may be canceled? A direct conflict with an opposing force brings forth a real power which is quite unstoppable. An electrical version of sensuality may be stimulating some, a simple walk in nature may trigger a special circuit or current to flow. There is an attraction to electrical activity in the body which is higher than typical and also the Earth is bringing her sensual impulses to a higher frequency band. They can potentially meet within our body, especially when we are merging with the Earth or our partner. Conflicts can continue for those whose typical ideas are challenged by newly considered, somewhat fantastic, ideas. If excessive worry begins how will it be dealt with? Emotional concerns may suddenly be relevant. Having suddenly turned to religion or righteous commitment an individual may feel better.

03 Friday January 3rd - Moon enters Pisces 10:22 AM
Self admiration is tested against social expectation. Our ability to recognize delusion will be critical to our choices, our need for reality discernment is at hand. Heads can be full of things these days, carrying around ideas, keeping them all sorted, how do we do it? Do we go by the truth or by what someone else says is the truth? Do we go by our own truth when we are challenged to admit our part in things? Fantasy has it's place however our focus may be more valuable when we include foundational survival in our foray with delusion. We don't want to distract ourselves when we are driving full speed ahead in life. Ideally the individual will tune into or feel a bigger picture and begin to see some common themes which hold together a rather chaotic world. The blocking of one's individual rights, or attacks on their sovereignty, can feel real. Some may show a growing interest in their spiritual awareness. An individual is warned not to be too hard on one's self, a possible over concentration of focus may occur. It can seem as if a parade of old ideas and words is marching by, complete with supporters. Yet it has also become clear that not all these ideas can be workable moving into the future, a sort of stand off or blockage is occurring. A need to understand a higher meaning of local current events may feel necessary and may be occurring according to some.

04 Sunday January 5th - Moon enters Aries 2:02 PM
Retrograde Mars ingress Cancer Monday January 6th 5:45 AM
A connection to one's impulsive self has been experienced in a perhaps special way over the last year and a half. And here again as the Moon transits Aries we can witness our impulsive self. With Mars retrograde in Leo one may keep their reaction locked in, if they can, however there is a possibility to respond impulsively if one is made out to be insignificant, especially within a relationship context. A significant social change may also act in some way as a trigger? Or a quick multi-tasking focus can have us doing things we didn't really expect! A jumping into things can occur because the unbelievable just become so. And now we have a change in what we give our effort to. It may feel to some as though they are lacking in some action, or they need to boldly face something or someone, or they simple must stop delaying and begin to move. Important considerations have been challenging for some, it's as if those who have a mission on the go have new details to deal with and this stuff is totally not what was expected. A spiritual revival may be occurring within the lives of some, some who you would hardly ever expect have suddenly become interested in metaphysical things. A connection to the spiritual realms is occurring for those who are calling for it. Constructive focus on responsibly will yield oportunties to master one's energy, it is karma which will truly be one's teacher and guide.

05 Tuesday January 7th - Moon enters Taurus 5:12 PM
Mercury ingress Capricorn Wednesday January 8th 5:31 AM
Tied to others through traumatic past events can become a heavy load. If and when such memories persist, if there is a common traumatic theme describing one's dreams it may be time to witness it. Difficult memories can return if such has been lurking. A shift from what is socially acceptable may have recently occurred and a more open and fair understanding of things perhaps accepted. Now however there is yet another shift in how one see's them self socially, and here there is room for religion, or fantastic beliefs, no boundaries really. Our dream time can be very significant right now as well. A special ability to stay the course, especially while dreaming, can come alive right now. We simple make intentions before bedtime and enjoy the experience. If we are haunted in any way by difficult memories or energies we can take the time to see ourselves bathed in refreshing nourishing white light, feel the love and comfort of our being as well tune into our connection with creator's infinite perfection. And if it feels okay for the individual to ask or imagine being shown the details which will harmonize one's expanded understanding of things. An individual may choose a specific meditation which is good for them, again this is a good time for it. If we are haunted by the past however it may return and call us into acknowledgement.

06 Thursday January 9th - Moon enters Gemini 8:08 PM
North node ingress Pisces Saturday January 11th 6:04 PM
If a current opposition is retreating rest assured it will return soon enough. Spring and late April can see a return of a fleeting current concern. A disciplined look at some serious things can be concerning for some. A shift in focus or methods can seem to have occurred as there is a need now to follow a specific pattern or plan. A loss of power may have occurred for some, as if their batteries quickly when dead. An evening campfire may be cosy and comforting as quite times may come upon some, time to reflect and appreciate perhaps. Ideas a plenty and it's as if there are far more sources than interested ears. Credibility regarding one's words will quickly become an important consideration. Honesty and integrity will return however a huge lesson may have to be learned. We may want to take some time to acknowledge someone who has been influential to us, has been an effective teacher for us or simple an excellent friend, we can light a candle for them or sing them a song and prayer. We can communicate to others ethertically as well, they can feel the quality of our intention once we are able to form a sympathetic connection with them. The Moon's north node Pisces ingress indicates a shift which will be inclusive in it's reach. Spiritual truth, religious fantasy, it will all be explored.

07 Saturday January 11th - Moon enters Cancer 11:25 PM
Full Moon Monday January 13th 5:28 PM EST
If sensitivity and rigidity can become friends their common ground may lead one to an expanded awareness. We may realize we have certain rules for ourselves and we may be able to feel their source. In an instant things can be revealed. Being around nature can be a nice feeling where a harmonizing foundation based upon intuition and integrity can grow. Being in nature we can keep things real, we can be organic and sensual. As opposed to over thinking things. Lost in logic is not the greatest place to be, it's like a hypnotic distraction, it can become too much as it is just not leading to where one may have been assuming it would. Perhaps it is time to feel one's way through some boundaries and boarders? Some may feel as if they have been sacrificing and sharing as a means to keep the harmony or potential alive in a partnership? If so a sudden change may be about to happen, a freedom from being over taxed in some way? The means by which we typically find security can suddenly be adjusted, perhaps a stale mate is busted. Some may feel they are returning to a deep place within themselves where they are once again defining themselves to themselves. What extraordinary feats must we demonstrate in order to be realized by others? A need for external validation may have recently been revealed to one's self. External validation can be a distraction which effects how an individual manages their time and energy. Being controlled by others can feel less than ideal, and so we can choose to question this. If we do we may rediscover an important energy connection we may have inadvertently anchored ourselves to.

08 Tuesday January 14th - Moon enters Leo 4:13 AM
A sense of feeling appreciated in a partnership may be tied to the sharing or controlling of mutual values. The reliance upon a tranquil domestic experience can be necessary for some to feel confident now. The quality of one's disciplined plan will be shown to them in some way, especially where partnerships are involved. Perhaps a partnership concern feels like it is needing to be addressed, if so sensitivity and personal vulnerability may trigger an emotional reaction. Some partners may feel they need to control the shared resources, the money, however in this control they would be most likely generous. Shared money may be manipulated in some way such that an individual can be acknowledged in a personal partnership. The quality of one's self acceptance can be shown to them through their emotional reactions. As in a lack of self confidence can be fleshed out by a relationship dynamic. It is powerful when an individual feels good about themselves, their vitality is supported and their disposition is pleasant and joyful. Past words and ideas which may have fallen short of being effective may be reconsidered, this time with some understanding as to how these ideas affect others, as such an idea blockage can be resolved. We are better able to listen to others when we are feeling good about ourselves as an individual.

09 Thursday January 16th - Moon enters Virgo 11:47 AM
As the logical meaning behind things can feel like an important approach to understanding one's journey an intention to study and take notes can feel like one is being responsible and serious about discovering truth. Communicating ideas and studying ideas may be an adventure as new insights of a spiritual nature unfold. It may feel natural to feel loved by spirit. One's thinking can be easily drawn to the spiritual or religious meaning of things. Religious ideas may be communicated and their logic examined. A fantasy may also evolve and lead an individual to a spiritual transformation. A new place or a new challenge can trigger extra effort to seek out the necessary details in order that a realistic consideration can be achieved. In order to be clear of confusion it can feel necessary to review what appears to be delusional from a practical logical perspective. To form a clear picture, see what is really there to work with and what is fantasy. Satisfying both public and home responsibilities can feel counter productive. Ideally the individual will find a win win solution to balance both domestic and professional dynamics. The presence of some past ideas can still seem to be there lingering on and you never know, someone might just activate these ideas again.

10 Saturday January 18th - Moon enters Libra 10:34 PM
Sun ingress Aquarius Saturday January 19th 3:01 PM
An ability to work well within a partnership can create a wonderful professional success outcome. We may notice opportunities to embrace or enhance our harmony with the public, we may be able to feel how shared partnership energy guides us to superior professional decisions. Relationships may also come together supported by religious or spiritual themes. The Sun's Aquarius ingress indicates a shift in energy where the tightest of boundaries and the strictest of rules are relaxed and a more open idealism is called in. The sense that we are sharing an outer collective world with others can bring some to a self awareness where they can feel significant as an individual. Our inner sense of self will be reflected in our outer world our outer relationships, as this is known different options may be realized and eventually different choices can be made. Ideas like fantasies can be inviting and irresistible. An idealism regarding friends and socializing may be fleshed out. Partnership harmony which is tied to social activities can feel exaggerated. A willingness to choose harmony can come in like a wave and can feel like a release. The hardest of rules may be, or may have been necessary, yet we also must be able to be happy as a community. Friends can become aware of their value to each other. Our sense of valuing our divine given freedom, our God given rights and freedoms, can be stirred.

11 Tuesday January 21st - Moon enters Scorpio 11:21 AM
A powerful transformation is taking place affecting the will of many, a revolution of the heart. The divine right and freedom we are aligned to is being given an anchor point in the hearts of sovereign individuals and as such a clearing and removing of all self interested elitism is underway. A simmering situation may steam up the windows. However better heads prevail as clarity comes in the form of accepting what and who we are collectively in this world. Acceptance right now that ultimately we all must work together in harmony, we can do this. Emotional energy can be really big however it may not be erupting into dynamic shared dramas. A sense that an individual would like to be noticed can cause them to be more intense than usual, and this can trigger subsequent reactions from others. A need to get to the bottom of something may be a signal that someone is feeling they are being left out or would rather be more noticeable. The force of a married couple may be presented to the public in some way, the shared energy like an energy wave provides an understanding for the public who witness them. Right now action energy can feel trapped or held back as indicated by Mars in retrograde motion. The need to look back through one's own self idea can cause them to relive some of their recent emotional triggers related to family or home.

12 Thursday January 23rd - Moon enters Sagittarius 11:30 PM
A lack of congruency in one's ideas or words may have been a real show stopper recently. The actions required to move an idea forward may not have been forth coming however a close look at appropriate actions now may unblock some ideas. Ideas and words must be mutually supportive to avoid moving into fragmentation when actions and manifestation do begin. Many individuals will have to look at their own responsibilities in regards to what is said and what correlating actions are expected to follow. The need for action has been getting better support in recent times however it may feel there is a delay in taking actions as Mars continues retrograde. A plan which requires discipline and focus may be challenged by an emotional appeal. Moving forward can occur once home or domestic activities are in accord and harmony with where one is going. Serious matters sometimes out weigh the need to be happy and playful, discernment is called for. Those who are directing others and acting like the authority may be caused to accept a religious or spiritual perspective in order to move forward. Prayer may become more popular in the board room.

13 Sunday January 26th - Moon enters Capricorn 8:44 AM
Our definitive ideas may include empathic considerations. An expression of kindness and goodness may be supported by a rather disciplined mind. Many are becoming increasingly serious as they consider who they are spiritually. Some aggressive individual's may be willing to now go for a more compassionate expression. Some individuals may be experiencing the need to feel more often or more deeply right now. Opportunities to improve one on one relationships may present it self in the form of a review or challenge. Sparring and challenging the ideas of another may clear a past issue, an ability to hold the frequency of acceptance can facilitate for the individual an expanding panorama of the concern, more options may be noticed. Frustrations may rise and remind us that we would be wise to move toward greater clarity involving whatever personal concern. Family members may trigger each other friends may trigger each other, yet we all create for us what is correct for us. As a humanity we will be called, in the next two years, to be clear about what is fantasy and what is effectively physical. Of course all is energy and so called fantasy has value as long as the individual is able to maintain an evenly balanced left right brain harmony. Ideally whatever occurs to a one on one relationship there is an opportunity to experience male and female energy working together where their unique signatures and characters work magically as one. If something comes up now it may well yield an opportunity to be owned and cleared.

14 Tuesday January 28th - Moon enters Aquarius 2:33 PM
An enriched sense of divine feminine energy can be anchored during this up coming Moon cycle which begins in Aquarius. A time has come for individuals to know themselves as individuals and to know themselves as a member of community, to be clear that each of these selves has a sovereign stance which can be mutually supported. The transformation many are feeling is real for them personally, it is also occurring as a community, a social transformation is occurring as well. Growing pains are likely as we find the way forward and things move into place. The journey itself will flesh out many things potentially assisting the evolving individual in identifying where they may be able to anchor sovereignty and embrace continued self responsibility. A revolution of sovereignty for the individual is occurring, this will correlate with a revolution of community where real human rights are important. It's as if there is personal revolution occurring where the individual is moving into increased responsible for one's own self, there is dwindling hope for those who believe someone is going to save them. Domestic dramas and family dynamics may bring one to their past, again where we can be responsible for ourselves? A family cycle can potentially be healed, owned and balanced by an aware individual who feels the drama as if it has a higher meaning.

Next new Moon in Aquarius Wednesday January 29th 8:37 AM


Sample Intentions for
New Moon in Sagittarius
Monday December 30th 5:28PM 2024 EST
  1. I take the time to check in with my home making sure all is nice and pleasant.
  2. A joyful journey is assured.
  3. My focus on clearly understood priorities assists me in having a productive day.
  4. I am appreciated for my fairness and my ability to share wealth.
  5. I am understanding who I am as a spiritual being having a human experience.
  6. I am able to parallel a higher meaning with my local challenges.
  7. I am sticking to ideas which work well for my team and my self.
  8. A connection to the spiritual realms is occurring as I am calling for it.
  9. If past troubling memories return I will call them into acknowledgement.
  10. In an instant things are revealed.
  11. Being in nature I can keep things real, I am organic and sensual.
  12. I am better able to listen to others when I am feeling good about myself as an individual.
  13. It feels natural to feel loved by spirit.
  14. My ability to work well within a partnership creates a wonderful professional success outcome.
  15. My sense of valuing my divine given freedom, my God given rights and freedoms, is stirred.
  16. I am supported and guided by my higher self.
  17. Life always has a wonderful way of describing itself to me.
  18. I like it when my words make sense from every conceivable perspective.
  19. I am appreciated for my fairness.
  20. My partner is good at keeping us both balanced and confident with our security.
  21. My mind is focused and readied to study some new interesting things.

Soulstar Astrology Appointments

For those interested in personal astrology readings it is important to note that Soulstar Astrology readings are based on the belief that you create your own reality. As such our experiences and most especially our difficulties can be framed as opportunities to evolve toward one's higher plan. As humanity has, in the last several years and continuing now, been going through identity discernment a questioning as to where one is headed and who the self is that is headed there may occur. The understanding of a particular identity will be connected to particular astro alignments and planetary placement. Personal astrology charts show us how things are connected from a vaster perspective. Knowing these connections and perspectives opens the door for more choices. Astrology works well with dates and so consider keeping a record or make a note of some specific date or time frame in which some major dynamic has occurred.

For more information about Soulstar Astrology readings follow this link.

William Oulton
December 25th 2024

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