
Pathfinder Report Banner

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra
Wednesday October 2nd 2:50 PM EST 2024

Pathfinder Report is a new Moon Astrology report intended to assist in advancing personal significance, equality, and sovereignty through self observation and admission. The report assumes "you create your own reality" an unequivocal fact, at times referred to as "the perfection premise".

New Moon Data
(all dates and times EST)

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra Wednesday October 2nd 2:50 PM EST
Jupiter retrograde Wednesday October 9th 3:06 AM
Pluto direct Friday October 11th 8:35 PM
Mercury ingress Scorpio Sunday October 13th 3:25 PM
Full Moon October 17th Thursday 7:28 AM EST
Venus ingress Sagittarius Thursday October 17th 3:29 PM
Sun ingress Scorpio Tuesday October 22nd 8:48 AM
Saturn Uranus and Neptune retrograde through out cycle
Next New Moon in Scorpio Friday November 1st 8:48 AM

Click on chart for larger view.

New Moon SOlar Eclipse in Libra Wednesday October 2nd 2:50 PM 2024

Astrological alignments in place at the moment of the new Moon

New Moon (Libra)conjunct Mercury (Libra)
New Moon (Libra)square Ceres (Capricorn)
New Moon (Libra)semi-sextile Venus (Scorpio)
Ceres (Capricorn)sextile Venus (Scorpio)
Vesta (Virgo)semi-sextile Juno (Libra)
Mars (Cancer)trine Saturn retrograde(Pisces)
Chiron retrograde (Aries)sextile Jupiter (Gemini)
Pallas Athena (Sagittarius)trine Moon's north node (Aries)


New Moon in Libra
New Moon Solar Eclipse Wednesday October 2nd 2:50 PM EST

"My family and home harmony are tuned to community harmony."

An insistence that religious or spiritual understandings be practical can be increasingly important, especially within a partnership. All partnerships may not be affected yet many likely will. The clarity of these beliefs and paradigms will be explored, a careful logical look at all the relevant concepts will be very important to some. Major decisions for some couples will be made. Some religious ideas may be abandoned and new one's considered? Some may have to cool it on the over use of logic? Partners share many experiences together and they share thoughts and ideas relative to these shared experiences. They will also share discoveries as in the discovery of ideas. There is also a network of minds which form a grid or matrix of information, this too will be discovered and shared within some partnerships. This network of minds of many individuals connecting to similar ideas may also be experiencing emotional paralleling. As energy pools it attracts consciousness which can be curious, or perhaps hungry. As partners share their experiences their idea fields can expand and grow together. Some recently discovered ideas which are important to a partnership dynamic may be contained and critiqued, a better or clearer verification can feel called for. If this is so look to after the first week in February 2025 when Jupiter transiting Gemini goes direct for things to be resolved. After February the new idea window is once again opened and the Sun welcomed to shine in. In the mean time during this considering phase, this validation phase, words may be said and written or recorded and shared. Some information sources may seem to be sealed off and deliberately sidelined. And remember newly acquired ideas are just that, these ideas and their value may wane in some way. Besides not all the exciting ideas recently heard will be relevant. Some may even be exposed as fraud? A need to bring one's mind into clear understanding will assist the individual in sharing the ideas they have discovered and understand. Relationships can build around sharing ideas, as such one needs to be cautious not to lose the companionship if the shared ideas do turn out to be foul. Many wonderful truthful ideas will be shared as well, the individual is wise to be vigilant when hearing new things. Harmonious partnerships can mutually benefit in this expansion of ideas and the discovering of truth as they will work together in verifying what is their shared truth.


With this Moon cycle beginning in Libra the focus will be on trusting and valuing spontaneous harmony with another. The current report, including the fourteen period cycle below, is scripted from the perspective of recognizing remembering and choosing harmony with another spontaneously in the moment. Such experience supports powerful relationships which resonate toward balance and harmony in all portions of life. An evolution of self awareness occurs as this area of harmony and balance is noticed and valued. Those born under the Sun sign Libra have a natural propensity to harmony and balance. Not to exclude others as we all have Libra somewhere in our personal astrology charts. Here is a simplified list intended to indicate where each Sun sign would experience a cherishing of harmony in a natural way. There are many accents in each personal astrology chart where an individual's energy will be characterized by an apparent alternate Sun sign, as in being their Moon sign. In these cases we will see personal alignments which support a deviation of one's will from their highest order. The intention here is to clarify the basic inclination toward spontaneous harmony of each Sun sign and thus create added meaning to the content of the report. These can also serve as healthy intentions.

    I experience harmony with others by...
  • Virgo: paying attention to the security and comfort my relationships allow me to experience.
  • Leo: how I choose to communicate and share ideas.
  • Cancer: understanding how my feelings about relationship experiences imply self definition.
  • Gemini: enjoying a spontaneous moment with another.
  • Taurus: being self responsible in my relating experiences.
  • Aries: trusting and responding within the spontaneous moment with another.
  • Pisces: allowing my partnerships to lead me somewhere special.
  • Aquarius: discovering how joy of sharing with another leads me to an expanded awareness.
  • Capricorn: enjoying my work and experiencing the spontaneous sharing I experience with the public.
  • Sagittarius: being connected and conversational when interacting socially.
  • Scorpio: knowing and accepting that the quality of harmony I experience is in resonance with a vast social network.


The Birthdays section is a list of birthdays which are being strongly affected by current astrological alignments. If a birthday is not listed here it doesn't mean that a person is not experiencing significant astrological influences which are dynamically paralleling life changes. After all we are experiencing tremendous Earth changes now, nobody is excluded. The people who do have these birth dates are being strongly influenced now and are likely experiencing life altering dynamics. In some cases great opportunities are occurring and in others great challenges are brought forward. Since all challenges can be re-framed as opportunities all those who have these birthdays are experiencing great live changing opportunities. If a birthday is just a day or so previous to the listed date then the person has recently experienced a major change. Due to the retrograde nature of transiting planets the change is not necessarily complete, it may return. If a birthday follows a date listed the person will soon experience a major change. Again due to the retrograde nature of transiting planets the person may have already begun a major change which seems to have backed off, and will most definitely return.

  • January 20th
  • March 3rd & 4th
  • March 17th, 18th & 19th
  • April 10th & 11th
  • May 16th, 17th & 18th
  • July 22nd
  • September 6th, 7th, & 8th
  • September 20th & 21st
  • October 13th, 14th & 15th
  • November 18th & 19th


To get a more complete or expanded feeling of this Moon cycle consider reading through the fourteen descriptions which follow. Many themes are included here and although relevant to the particular Moon phase and period are also relevant to the entire Moon cycle.

Fourteen Period Format

The Pathfinder Report follows the Moon through fourteen periods in 29 days beginning on the new Moon. The Fourteen periods, or phases, follow the Moon's journey through the entire Moon cycle. Each period will have a particular flavor or tone and is interpreted here as a unique opportunity. The first period begins at the moment of new Moon and continues until the Moon's first ingress. The Moon will ingress into the next zodiac sign thirteen times yielding fourteen unique periods. A theme unique to the complete Moon cycle is also included. As each individual's journey and process is a unique personal adventure this report is to be considered a generalization. In some cases example scenarios are given to assist in providing clarity as to how specific astro alignments may be experienced.

29 Day Moon Calendar

01 Wednesday New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra Monday October 2nd 2:50 PM EST 2024
There can be a lot of happy and encouraging talk as many choose the high road in their relating experiences. A partnership may trigger actions where one's sensitivity is revealed. Expressions of sensitivity may be describing one's feeling concerning a particular partnership foundation. There can be excitement on sharing many things with one's most trusted partner, sensual sharing can feel desired and manifested. Taking the time to speak in a harmonious and well intended way can bring together individuals who may typically be isolated. A feeling that another individual is worth the time to listen too and to interact with can feel pleasing and can lead to future harmony as well. Some shared experiences may have a religious context as well, a religious authority may show some inspired expression. Inspired expressions can also be connected with new understandings, new ways of looking at old social conditions can for example feel like an important thing to share. There can be a lot of talk and the good thing is this talk is registered on harmony and sharing with others as opposed to a monologue or solo expression. There is a nice opportunity for pleasant interactions. Those who have figured it out, that one must be responsible for themselves in order to posses their own most wonderful talents and powers, they will demonstrate intellectual insight and profound understanding. However those who have been lacking in owning their creations and experiences will experience the challenge of others who may have expected something different from them. An over eagerness typically signals one who is interested in the end result as opposed to valuing the journey. We can gain good fortunes simple by choosing harmony, by choosing to hold a space of harmony with others.

02 Friday October 4th - Moon enters Scorpio 7:23 AM
Emotions can rise and become self perpetuated. Be wise as to what pool of concern we allow ourselves to dive into, we may find ourselves in over our head? Shared ownership will be of interest. Partners may seek security in a mutual way by being clear concerning their shared beliefs, for example religious beliefs, or beliefs regarding authorities. Beliefs which define or dictate their shared sensual experiences will also be connected with shared security. As we can choose to share our body this too must be considered in terms of seeking shared foundation and shared security. A seriousness regarding romance taken too far, or out of context, can trigger emotional reactions regarding partnership security. A parental guardian type individual may challenge beliefs yet will be supportive to sharing ideals where sensuality or organic connections are acknowledged. Things can become very emotional and expressive, and this is true through out the entire Libra Moon cycle. Some can become very excited at the prospect of finding new friends, a willingness to listen and be supportive right from the start can be like a good will investment. In business and job related as well an intention to focus on what one has in common with others can set a good beginning for future professional experiences. A seriousness over "the rules" whatever they may be can trigger emotional concerns? Again authorities can be tested, including new wannabe authorities who are perhaps testing their influence.

03 Sunday October 6th - Moon enters Sagittarius 7:35 PM
Jupiter retrograde Wednesday October 9th 3:06 AM
Our ability to be inventive with how we explain things can come from an inspired desire to be of value to others through our public work, through our public service. Our public interest may not have been directly intended, our public value may be the by-product of attending to our own personal responsibility. Also our public confidence may be in direct correlation with our partnership harmony. We may feel motivated to get to the truth of some matter, especially if it is important in maintaining community harmony. Public meetings can be successful if those involved truly intended harmony and good will to all who are affected. We can perhaps see how our willingness to choose to focus on what we have in common can be foundational in building the community we can use now and moving into our future. There may be a special opportunity to come together as a community in a good way. If such an opportunity should show itself perhaps we will be inspired to be there in some way. As Jupiter goes retrograde in Gemini early morning on Wednesday we may notice a withdrawal of ideas or a deceleration of ideas from some. Allow this pause, if it occurs, to be like a review as there may be many ideas and words which have been recently expanding. Perhaps we could use a watchful eye or a careful second look while the air is being let out of some inflated ideas?

04 Wednesday October 9th - Moon enters Capricorn 5:39 AM
Some inner contemplation concerning the foundation and structure of one's security can start by considering one's home. A shared home will have many considerations. Families may typically have an alpha or boss, where things are agreed and all goes well. With Saturn retrograde in Pisces this Capricorn ruling planet is as good as being lost at sea. It may be difficult to understand governing structures, even those long stay governing structures are not as solid as they felt in the past. In some cases we may be called to be patient while communities refresh or reset themselves. We may consider our home, to be not just the dwelling we occupy, but also consider the community we live in. The sharp details we had become accustomed to using to our advantage when managing and organizing our communities may be found to now have a nebulous foundation? If things are changing too fast it may be unclear as to what are the real facts right now. We may even notice that there is a lot of hy-jacking plans or taking over someone's plan. This is a good time to share ideas and be on purpose. A shared purpose which brings security to families by bringing security to our communities. As the rules seem lost, or can seem lost, we may have to build a special cooperation with those in our family and also from family to family in our community.

05 Friday October 11th - Moon enters Aquarius 12:32 PM
Pluto direct Friday October 11th 8:35 PM
Mercury ingress Scorpio Sunday October 13th 3:25 PM
An underlying need to respect ones self may affect ones choices. A feeling that another has been significantly triggered or has become concerned that they are not being respected may be felt. How we feel about our fair and just social treatment may be tied to a relationship experience. We may feel elite or ostracized as examples as these emotional reactions are reflecting back to us our own beliefs. What is our partners take on social status or position, how much do we share this feeling with them, are we on the same page? This can be a good time to pay attention to our own sense of self. Knowing that respect from others, from our partner, begins with self respect, our self observation may reveal an important belief we are in need of examining. Elitism is headed into a difficult twenty year season of challenge and likely removal. Our ability to accept ourselves as if we are responsible for our experiences begins when we are aware of our connection, our direct connection, with source. As the Moon transits Aquarius our truth regarding our divine connection will be affecting our feelings of freedom, our right to exist regardless of any other opinion. If we are getting our belief or model about social reality from any other place we may feel an external authority dominating, at times, our choice and decisions. It is time now to consider this sovereignty and allow it to define who we are socially. We may become an inspiration to others as our energetic position will demonstrate to others that they too have the choice, to be free to define themselves. In so doing we may choose to build our communities without the needs or demands of so called elites, who have no realistic connection with our known responsibilities unless we choose to believe it.

06 Sunday October 13th - Moon enters Pisces 3:56 PM
If something feels emotionally toxic we may be needing to take some action? Our sense of responsibility will keep us clear of confusion and overwhelm as we will move into action when it is our turn to be responsible. If we are unsure about the terms or rules we can become confused as to what actions to take when things begin to move. Our feeling that all is fair and that we are doing well with our responsibilities will correlate with our ability to be objective and even somewhat indifferent at times. If we are overwhelmed by toxic feelings and resentment, or whatever negative type energy we may feel, it may be difficult to move into objectivity and to think clarity, to get our work and services completed. It may seem as if authority is missing in action? For whatever reason the typical presence of a strong authority which we may have grown use to, is it missing? Great changes are affecting our governing layers of authorities, this is for certain. What if many layers of authority and control over us has been keep from us? We know of the typical layers of authority, but what about other hidden ones? Even if layers of control had been hidden from us, as communities, or hidden from humanity in general, it really matters not as these too are getting their due balancing. If things seem weird or if feels like big things are going on yet it is not on any news be assured your feelings are real and you may be feeling truth as if there is a toxic clear out occurring on multi-levels of our shared world.

07 Tuesday October 15th - Moon enters Aries 4:35 PM
Individuals in partnerships who have challenges doing things on their own may be setup to take some bold independent action. To demonstrate to one's partner that they are a good partner they may take lots of initiative, lots of actions, demonstrating to their partner their commitment to the union. An impulsive nature can be shown to the individual more naturally when the Moon transits Aries. Partnership and home domestic concerns can trigger our automatic reactions. A sense of independence can be more typical in some than others, however here it is more likely to trigger this even with the unlikely. A dependency on partnership experiences can also be revealed by the nature of the impulsive self. Ideally the individual will feel their sovereignty and independence in a way which is beneficial to their partnership. Partnerships between independent type individuals, can assist for a healthy sense of individual courage. Our ability to be courageous and to take the necessary actions when necessary, especially concerning shared partnership concerns, can be very health possible leading to a mutually supportive security. Ideally individuals will focus on what they have in common in the anticipation of sharing these experiences with their partner. There can be lots of creative spontaneous energy, especially in shared experiences. Strong partnerships can be formed from clearly independent individuals.

08 Thursday October 17th - Moon enters Taurus 4:01 PM
Full Moon October 17th Thursday 7:28 AM EST
Venus ingress Sagittarius Thursday October 17th 3:29 PM
One may assist a partner in some type of foundational rebuild. We may feel the need to share the most basic things with our partner as well. Partners as individuals may assist each other in establishing independent security. A feeling that if things are considered in the most basic simplistic way the best foot forward can occur. Looking for steadiness is really looking for rhythm, once we can feel the rhythm of life and our provision within this we can more effectively, and naturally, remain in an abundant state. The flow of resources and values coming and going from us is in a functional pattern to some extent. Can we feel this pattern this rhythm? We can see it as a groove or song, a tune which can be perhaps enhanced. Can we add to the existing pattern, can we include our own extended harmony? Our ability to feel and acknowledge the flow of life, including the flow of resources, will enhance our ability to be well comforted and taken care of, and we can share this with our partner as well. Our intention power and our presence within a shared value system can be a major power chord if we are strong enough to know what to support and what to cancel. As Venus now makes a Sagittarius ingress can may feel the rhythm shift from sharing our physical resources to sharing public truth and public fairness.

09 Saturday October 19th - Moon enters Gemini 4:08 PM
"As an extension of my partnership harmony I am discovering new ideas and new connections."
Partners share many experiences together and they share thoughts and ideas relative to these shared experiences. They will also share discoveries as in the discovery of ideas. They also discover the network of minds of many individuals who are connecting to these ideas. As partners their idea fields can expand and grow together. Some recently discovered ideas which are important to a partnership dynamic may be contained and critiqued, a better or clearer verification can feel called for. If this is so look to after the first week in February 2025 for things to be resolved, the new idea window is once again opened and the Sun welcomed to shine in. During this considering phase, this validation phase, words may be said and written or recorded and shared. A need to bring one's mind into clear understanding will assist the individual in sharing the ideas they have discovered and now feel they understand. Harmonious partnerships can be mutually beneficial in expanding ideas and discovering truth. An insistence that religious or spiritual understandings be practical can be felt, the clarity of which can be explored by looking carefully and logically at all the relevant concepts. Some religious ideas may be abandoned and new one's considered? Are their ducks in row?

10 Monday October 21st - Moon enters Cancer 6:51 PM
Sun ingress Scorpio Tuesday October 22nd 8:48 AM
An added sensitivity may be apparent as one's public or professional reputation may be very important to them. A review of recent ideas and understandings may be occupying one's mental process. A sense that one is viewed as being responsible and sensible can be more apparent than usual. Sensitive reactions may be the lid coming off, followed by a pouring of feelings regarding one's individual considerations. We may discover things about ourselves or our partner as our impulsive self begins to reveal all. Our home or shared home may be involved in some way. We may feel the need to be on the same team with our partner, we may feel it is time to be aware of our shared public standing. As communities go through current changes and adjustments so too must marriages and couples, especially so if these partnerships are to maintain or build security for their home and for their career. If emotional instability has been present with an individual it is now that an intense expression can occur and thus the source belief can be revealed and better understood. If we can remain objective we can feel the parallels, the feelings of others may appear to be our own as if someone is psychic. Ideally the individual will understand the paralleling of feelings and will be dominate at owning their own stuff as opposed to denial and projection onto others. There is great value in looking objectively at our emotional reactions. Here as the Moon transits Cancer a cornucopia of opportunity may present itself to those who are ripe and ready to take responsibility for whatever they have given their attention and energy to.

11 Thursday October 24th - Moon enters Leo 1:25 AM
To be successful socially it may feel as if one must be really popular, by being superior at whatever skill or talent they are using to represent themselves. This skill inturn being publicly acknowledged by others. This obvious external validation can be a slippery slope. Ideally the individual will find themselves at the right place and at the right time as this time space experience is the manifestation of their intentions and their energy integrity. Sometimes we may become popular publicly, simply as the by-product of our personal sovereignty and our impeccable record at being self responsible. Those who demonstrate such character can become inspirations to others. Yet the target was not a social trophy, popularity is simple the extension or by-product of one's integrity. Being our own hero is much more effective and less tacky. If we are being clear with ourselves and trusting our vulnerability to show us what is truly significant for us individually we will feel safe and secure as we interact with lots of friends, new friends old friends, while not clinging to any of it. Much false superior importance in terms of public celebrity is about to be removed in a very non-relenting way, look for this over the next twenty years. This is about to begin in a sustained way. As such we are wise to lose any self admiration which is based on public forums or social popularity, and instead focus on ourselves and our connection with life around us including partner and family. Our ability to get this priority right immediately can be a huge benefit for us as individuals as this cycle begins mid November.

12 Saturday October 26th - Moon enters Virgo 11:49 AM
If it's not broke don't fix it. We don't want to get overly caught up in trivial details. Unless of course we are really confident with our foundational understanding and our major overall position regarding the matter the details would apply to. Even still we would not want to reiterate or change something which is good as it is. The massive amount of ideas and beliefs we're presented with these days calls for lots of discretion, they can't all be true? What perhaps the individual is able to identify is the paradigm which is being, or has been controlling, our decisions for much of one's life. If we are sure our long time history has been constructed as a story to keep us as a community or as a humanity under control by overly influencing our decisions then we may be able to use our discernment and objectivity to identify the folly of this system. Our ability to call in clarity and truth by maintaining our intention to remain objective, while being responsible for what we have been creating, can bring to our notice the falseness of such a controlling paradigm. With Mercury, Virgo planetary ruler transiting Scorpio, we can be influenced by a penetrating persistant mind which is intent at getting to the truth. "The truth will set you free." If we are going to devote meticulous detail to studying what is then we can accomplish significant clarity if we use this drive for uncovering details which decode why our vulnerability has us so concerned with certain things other than other things. If we can trust our vulnerability as if it knows what it is doing perhaps we will discover the wonderful thing about being an organic human, like we have a direct connection with source via our vulnerability.

13 Tuesday October 29th - Moon enters Libra 12:31 AM
A strong impulsive force or energy can be experienced as an spiritual or religious interest. We may have found others recently who are seeking others who are feeling or reacting to this same interest. An ongoing community change may feel like a revolution because it has been going on for so long now. This can also now be seen as a global revolution as we make up a global community and it seems as if this entire community is experiencing a depth of change. Our home or family dynamic may be expected to take some action or do some part. It would be a major part for a family yet for the over all world community we live within it would be apart of this non-relenting change. Eventually it was bound to effect our family and perhaps now is this time. As this Moon cycle is hosted by a Libra new Moon we may feel the need or necessity to work in harmony with others as we flow with this global change. As we make decisions everyday, mostly no and no thanks, and that is not for me or us, until one day there is a good or fine opportunity for us and for this one we may want to say yes. As a team either as a family or a couple who is married, or who we are with our dear friends, together we may see this opportunity as advantageous to consider. We may have found that during this Moon cycle our attention has been more on harmony with others as we would not be alone if these changes were to cause us to make a significant change.

14 Thursday October 31st - Moon enters Scorpio 1:30 PM
If we are clear as to where we are going as a team, either a married couple, a family, or a close business relationship, then we are in a good position to work as a team to our mutual benefit. Our ability to secure foundation and security through a team effort may make more sense to us as we enter the coming Scorpio Moon cycle. If our team is sound then a natural impetus to be on purpose and be serious can perhaps lead to a triumphant victory. With tremendous fixed emotional Scorpio intensity, will power can be intense, there is little or perhaps nothing which cannot be accomplished.

Next new Moon in Scorpio Friday November 1st 8:48 AM


Sample Intentions for
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra
Wednesday October 2nd 2:50 PM 2024 EST
  1. My passionate expression demonstrates a confidence which may be there for others to witness and experience.
  2. I am loving the generous nature of myself and others who make up our community.
  3. I am conscious of the intention of harmony I share with my partner.
  4. As an extension of my partnership harmony I am discovering new ideas and new connections.
  5. I allow myself to be aware as to what my trusted partner is intending.
  6. My expressions are not just adequate they are filled with grace discipline and fairness.
  7. I like to see things from the viewpoint or vantage point of others as well as from my own view.
  8. I do not have to rely solely on my own understanding as I am experiencing a trusted partnership.
  9. I am able to transform what may appear to be worthless things into treasures of beauty and inspiration.
  10. My family and home harmony are tuned to community harmony.
  11. I enjoy my social relationships, there are always new people to meet and ideas to share.
  12. It is important for me to understand the legitimacy of the authorities that take it upon themselves to direct me.
  13. I can feel the presence of congruency within my multiple ideas.
  14. My partnership is healthy for me I can feel my energy being recharged and my strength renewed.
  15. My happy partnership is assisting me at understanding my own independent nature and responsibility.
  16. My partner and I assist each other with foundational security needs.
  17. My partner and I give each other strength and energy, we share ideas constantly.
  18. My vulnerability leads me to my truth, I am my own authority.
  19. Trusting my creativity I have been able to stabilize a framework for future expressions.
  20. My partnership harmony has supported my courage to share my ideas publicly.
  21. I feel the courage and boldness of my multi-dimensional self as an impulse of brilliance and intelligence.

Soulstar Astrology Appointments

For those interested in personal astrology readings it is important to note that Soulstar Astrology readings are based on the belief that you create your own reality. As such our experiences and most especially our difficulties can be framed as opportunities to evolve toward one's higher plan. As humanity has, in the last several years and continuing now, been going through identity discernment a questioning as to where one is headed and who the self is that is headed there may occur. The understanding of a particular identity will be connected to particular astro alignments and planetary placement. Personal astrology charts show us how things are connected from a vaster perspective. Knowing these connections and perspectives opens the door for more choices. Astrology works well with dates and so consider keeping a record or make a note of some specific date or time frame in which some major dynamic has occurred.

For more information about Soulstar Astrology readings follow this link.

William Oulton
October 1st 2024

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